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Schicke Meerjungfrau ärmellose rosa lange Brautjungfer Kleid

[Artikelnummer: BM0781]

4.9 11
US$  69. 90 US$ 139.80 50% Sparen
Farbe: Perlen Rosa

Für Maße Anfertig bitte geben Sie uns Ihre Maße Detail und achten Sie auch auf der Gebühr  US$ 0  

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E.Von Höhle bis Boden():
F.Von Höhle bis Knie():
*G.Von scheitel Bis Boden():
Schneidzeit: 9-15 Tage
Lieferdauer: 5-7 Tage



Beschreibung Maßetabelle Farbentabelle Versand Messanleitung


Beschreibung Maßetabelle Farbentabelle Versand Messanleitung
Produktname: Schicke Meerjungfrau ärmellose rosa lange Brautjungfer Kleid
Artikelnummer: B156387872785412
Farbe: Weiß,Elfenbein,Rosa,Bonbon Rosa,Perlen Rosa,Altrosa,Wassermelonen,Rot,Fuchsia,Weinrot,Schokolade,Braun,Golden,Chamagner,Orange,Khaki,Gelb,Gelb,Regency,Purpur,Lila,Lavendel,Himmel Blau,Blau,Meerblau,König Blau,Tintenblau,Navy Blau,Schwarz,Silber,Dunkel Grün,Jade,Türkisch,Grün,Salbeigrün,Mint Grün,staubgrau,Morgennebel blau,Nebelblau,staubiges blau,staubiger Salbei,Orchidee,Glyzinie,Maulbeere,Koralle,Stahlgrau,Cabernet,Rost Rot,Smaragd Grün,Jahrgang lila
Maß: EU 32,EU 34,EU 36,EU 38,EU 40,EU 42,EU 44,EU 46,EU 44 G,EU 46 G,EU 48,EU 50,EU 52,EU 54,EU 56
Kategorie: Brautjungfernkleider
Anlasse: Strand,Kirche,Garten,Halle,Hochzeit,Party,Besondere Gelegenheit,Tägliche Abnutzung
Rücken: Reißverschluss
Jahrezeit: Frühling,Sommer,Herbst,Winter
Ausschnitt: Neckholder,Träger
Stoff: 100D Chiffon
Schnitt: A Linie
Silhouette: Normal
Ärmelart: Ärmellos
Taille: Natürlich
Länge: Bodenlang

Was glaubten die Anderen?

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It's beautiful. I'm faster than we expected.All my bridesmaids love them


A beautiful dress, two weeks delivery, the color is pleasant. I will think how to get started, many different options.?


This dress is so beautiful. The fit is super flattering. I am really pleased with the lace, it makes me feel really elegant. I'm going to be a bridesmaid next March, and I'm so excited to wear this dress! My waist is accented and the fabric flows beautifully on my curves.Thank you very much


I love this dress! I wore it to sing at a grand opening gala and it was perfect. I received so many compliments on it. Highly recommend!


The dress is beautiful and fit perfectly. Could not be happier.


I ordered this dress and it is fantastic! It is much better quality than I was expecting and I am really pleased! It is the first dress Ive ordered from bmbridal and I wasnt sure what to expect. I was nervous when the box arrived but the dress is beautiful. It is fabrics are light and soft. The delivery is very speedy


I just got my dress today, only 2 week after ordering it! My dress is even more beautiful than the pictures. The finish is perfect and the color is great. The only problem is that the dress is a little bit longer for me but it doesn't matter.


I relly love how the dress looks on me. The dress is really beautifully made and exactly same as picture. I never thought I could receive a dress like this with such low price. I will recommend the site to my friends and family. Thank you


I received my dress last week. The dress is it is exactly same as the picture. The quality is great and well made! Shipping was quick too!


I received my dress and I really love this dress. Looks just like the picture and it is what is I want. The material feels perferct. I really appreciate bmbridal make this dress for me. Thank you

Schicke Meerjungfrau ärmellose rosa lange Brautjungfer Kleid
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